Sunday, October 28, 2012

I hope they will stay BFF's forever!

"You're a baby!",
"I'm not a baby"!
"I'm not your friend anymore!"
"You are a baby, a cry baby!"
"Mom he called me a cry baby!"

So often I hear this conversation, and usually I just call out from the other room. "Such and such, quit calling your brother a baby!" and "Such and Such, just ignore him." It's usually that or something else they argue about.  Then a few minutes later I hear, "I'm sorry I called you a baby", then "It's okay".
I love when the boys are able to work things out on their own. Pretty much the twins stick together, but when an "outsider" comes along, (the oldest, or youngest) They like to double-team them.

BigBjr had a great time at camp, he just came back exhausted, and a little under the weather. Thankfully, my prayers were answered, and he came home safe and sound, and in one piece.

Babycakes had Grandparents day this week. He enjoyed having his Granny come and visit his new school. Unfortunately, he just stood there when it was time to sing his class song, but she got an earful in the car on the way home.

Class picture day was today at the boys school. I got a real kick out of going to their classrooms brushing their hair, and making sure there face was had plenty of lotion.

Great news this week! Bray got chosen as Star Student of the week! He was featured in the classroom newsletter. When he was interviewed, he said he loves the color blue, and loves playing with his big brother and sleeping with him. How cute!

This week was much better than last. Bray and Brycen told me I was soo sweet :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

To the First Family!

Dear First Family,
I would just like to say I am so proud to see such strong positive role models for my husband and I, and our four children. It makes me proud each time I have the opportunity to hear you speak, or stand before the nation as the President and First lady. I would like to encourage you to stay strong, and continue to show the world what hard work, honesty, and a strong faith in Lord will get you.
Mrs. Obama, you are a true role model to women of all cultures. Your speech at the DNC2012, is something I will never forget. The image of you standing before the nation honoring your husband, is a visual that will be with me forever.  President Obama, my sons will always know that they can accomplish all of their dreams, because you opened that door. I am just sooo proud! so proud! God Bless your Family!, continue to do good work! My prayers are with you!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

There is a GOD!

In my last post, the boys and I were starting our mommy and me weekend. Well I survived! We actually had a really relaxing weekend. I had tons of plans, but in the end relaxing with my boys at home turned out to be the best plan. After all that mommy and me bonding you would think our week would be so grand. Yea in a perfect world.....

The next week of school turned out to be the worst week of school in the history of school for my4brownsons!

Phone calls from teachers, temper tantrums, crying fits, not turning in assignments, losing an instrument, name calling, hitting other kids, and a "I hate school" was not part of the plans.

At many points last week I had to get some prayer from my mama, and restrain myself from "catching a case," because hard headed boys live in my house.

One example is when I was called to the office because I heard that there was an incident with Bran.  When the principal told me the charges, I couldn't help but chuckle. I was actually relieved. When did calling people "toilet" become a major crime? I've heard of a potty mouth, but this was ridiculous. Nevertheless, I had to have that conversation with Bran about not calling others names.

BigBJR is now phone-less.  So all of his aunties, uncles, play mamas etc,  haven't received that daily text from Mr. BrownJR because its gone. As a matter of fact, I told him to forget he ever had a phone, and as far as I'm concerned his phone doesn't exist. I do understand how it goes, middle school... keeping up with your work, meeting expectations of parents, teachers, and your peers is tough! However, as for me and my house we will not only serve the LORD, but we will also achieve honor roll. In the end, I don't give two cents about how tough life is for your 11 yr old body.  Go to school, do you work, and stay quiet! lol. I will say, since the phone has exited the building the 11 yr old has improved, and I actually have received some awesome compliments.

Control your Body, Control Your Voice, and Do Your Work. These are the rules the boys.. (SN: when I say "the boys" I mean Bran and Bray, thank babycakes for that one)  follow each day at school. I have enjoyed using this same terminology at home. Now Bray has mastered all but Control your Body. Catching a glimpse of him in the hallway doing a flip, slapping high fives to all of his friends in the PE line, and standing up while everyone else is sitting down listening to a story,  is all the proof I need. I do take comfort in knowing he is "really smart" and a "cutie" as everyone says about both of them, and I know he will get it eventually.

Babycakes seems to be really comfortable at his new school. So comfortable, he has become somewhat of a bully. We had our talks, and right now promising a "popafical" (his version of popsicle) is all the motivation he needs. That one time threat by his teachers of "calling dad" didn't hurt either. It's something about the boys not wanting to get in trouble with dad that amazes me. I can have the boys, and they are sitting right in front of me making threats to each other saying they are telling dad. I'm like huh what? what about telling mom? Does that mean anything?

We enjoyed a great holiday weekend in Cincy with family and friends. It was actually a mommy and me trip, since dad stayed behind. No I'm not crazy, I travel with my4brownsons alone all the time. As they get older it gets easier. I did bring some type of electronic device for every member of the family, so I could have some peace, however this only lasted as long as the battery. 

After a trying week, and a quick trip home, I can truly say I am so thankful for my life, my guys, and the strength GOD gives me daily to endure it all!

Friday, August 24, 2012

NewSCHOOL...My Middle Schooler, Kindergartners, and Preschooler Babies

Nothing like a vh1soul night chilllllinnn my mind is back in the 90's somewhere lol.. I told them kids to leave me alone or I was sending them to bed. Haven't heard a peep out of them yet, except for baby cakes telling me he was hungry, (besides its only been an hour since he ate almost a whole pizza) smh! What will I do when he turns 11?

NewYear  New Schools...
Well we have finally got the routine down. Bed by 8, up by 6:15. As long as baths, Bj makes lunches,  and everybody's clothes are out the night before, we are out of the house by 7:20. Babycakes is stop 1.  New preschool. He jumps out the car now. He's excited. He's glad to see that everyone is in the car, so there is no problem getting dropped off. Babycakes preschool teacher says everyday, "That boy sure can eat." I can only imagine what my grocery bill will look like in 5 yrs.  She also says, "we are getting know the real boy" he is talking a lot and standing up in chairs. SMH! Babycakes is making lots of friends, every five minutes he tells me, "mom I love my new school and friends. That is so nice to hear, I never heard him say that at his old daycare. 

BigBjr is up next... that middle school traffic is no joke making it around the circle, I think I have found the best route to make it around in record time.  The boy likes to get there at least by 7:50 so he can hang out in the cafeteria before locker time. He only talks about lunch at the middle school,  "the choices mom, you should see what we get to pick from," I can sense that he is loving the independence he's getting in middle school now. He gets to ride the bus to my school with the other middle schoolers. He has a cell phone now, so he texts me when he is on his way, (along with everyone else). I do like the fact that I can contact him if there is an emergency, only if he doesn't drain the battery down playing music. I love the fact I can view all his grades, what he orders for lunch, and homework all online 24hrs a day. I stay up in his business! Got to go to Middle school open house, I felt like a teenager. Did everybody else's mom wait until they were 40 to start having kids? sheesh! lol. His health teacher mentioned they were going to study a unit on HIV & AIDS,  and puberty. BigB and I looked at each other, It gets really real right about now!

Finally, last stop boys school and mine. Got a routine, oatmeal and applesauce for breakfast in my office. Even have a table setup so they can eat, cleanup, then play a game, or do an art project. They know when the hand hits the 7, and the bell rings, its time to get to class. After the 2nd day they were on their own. They didn't need mommy to walk them to class.  (tear) They love their independence. I think I was walking BigBjr til he was in 2nd grade.  

2nd week of school...Bray says his fav part of school is recess & PE. Bran says time with his best friends Floyd, and ohh he can't remember the other boys name.
About the 3rd day of school one of my coworkers tell me they overhead Bran talking to another kid in the hallway, they were planning their own playdates. Bran says, you can come over, I will just have to ask my mom, and you have to ask yours. Wait.. What's your name again? convo continues.. So we can play outside in my big swimming pool (baby pool by the way) but wait, what's your name again? 
I think Bray has finally calmed down too. He was quite amped every day, very excited about school. He is very loud and animated. I kept saying bring it down, bring it down. He even has hand movements when he does it. Needless to say no crying in the past 3 days which is always a great sign. Apparently he is the most outgoing kid in his class. Go figure.

I was mortified when someone told me Bran licked his teachers hand today. Apparently she had made a comment about using vanilla scented lotion. I guess he took it literally. How embarrassing. Thankfully, she found humor in it. I reminded him of his two favorite words.. Bran that was "ridiculous" and "disgusting" why he says those two things all the time I have no clue.  He also told his whole class that he had a baby sister. Of course, his teacher who is my coworker is confused, she thought my husband had another baby over the summer (smh). I couldn't figure out for the life of me why he was lying telling everyone he had a sister. Then it dawned on me who he was talking about. His cousin/sister Z. I told her to ask him her name, and sure enough that's exactly who he was talking about.

Somebody did make a comment, people will always know when the Brown's are coming and going to school, Hmmm.. I wonder how? 

This weekend is just me and the guys. My hubby is out of town, and I get to experience some mommy and boys time, actually that seems to be everyday! 
Stay tuned..........

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Birthday Carnival!!!

My Twin boys are turning 5, and I decided a few months ago that I would throw them a Carnival Themed Birthday party. I started by Googling Carnival Birthday parties, and I couldn't believe all I found.  Then I found pinterest! OMGEEE!!!! I think I found my new calling Customized Party Planning! I have really taken on this project and ran with it. My only prayer is that the weather is beautiful next weekend for the party, since it will be outside in my backyard.

Here are few of my ideas:

  • Let's start with invitations. I created carnival tickets with pockets to send out as the party invite.
  • Customize Customize Customize! Everything from the water bottles to the lolipops has the boys names on it. I created some really cute custom labels.
  • For the party favors I created Customized Kids Party Cd's with all of the great Kids songs from Fresh Beat Band, Dora the Explorer, and Yo Gabba Gabba
  • Check out the fake lolipops I created to line the yard.
  • Our menu includes: pizza, cotton candy, snow cones, popcorn, fruit kabobs,  and lots and lots of candy!
  • We had facepainter, balloon artist, pony and horse, bounce house, and a tattoo booth. 

Check out more pics from my event

 Diagram of what my backyard was going to look like