Friday, September 7, 2012

To the First Family!

Dear First Family,
I would just like to say I am so proud to see such strong positive role models for my husband and I, and our four children. It makes me proud each time I have the opportunity to hear you speak, or stand before the nation as the President and First lady. I would like to encourage you to stay strong, and continue to show the world what hard work, honesty, and a strong faith in Lord will get you.
Mrs. Obama, you are a true role model to women of all cultures. Your speech at the DNC2012, is something I will never forget. The image of you standing before the nation honoring your husband, is a visual that will be with me forever.  President Obama, my sons will always know that they can accomplish all of their dreams, because you opened that door. I am just sooo proud! so proud! God Bless your Family!, continue to do good work! My prayers are with you!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

There is a GOD!

In my last post, the boys and I were starting our mommy and me weekend. Well I survived! We actually had a really relaxing weekend. I had tons of plans, but in the end relaxing with my boys at home turned out to be the best plan. After all that mommy and me bonding you would think our week would be so grand. Yea in a perfect world.....

The next week of school turned out to be the worst week of school in the history of school for my4brownsons!

Phone calls from teachers, temper tantrums, crying fits, not turning in assignments, losing an instrument, name calling, hitting other kids, and a "I hate school" was not part of the plans.

At many points last week I had to get some prayer from my mama, and restrain myself from "catching a case," because hard headed boys live in my house.

One example is when I was called to the office because I heard that there was an incident with Bran.  When the principal told me the charges, I couldn't help but chuckle. I was actually relieved. When did calling people "toilet" become a major crime? I've heard of a potty mouth, but this was ridiculous. Nevertheless, I had to have that conversation with Bran about not calling others names.

BigBJR is now phone-less.  So all of his aunties, uncles, play mamas etc,  haven't received that daily text from Mr. BrownJR because its gone. As a matter of fact, I told him to forget he ever had a phone, and as far as I'm concerned his phone doesn't exist. I do understand how it goes, middle school... keeping up with your work, meeting expectations of parents, teachers, and your peers is tough! However, as for me and my house we will not only serve the LORD, but we will also achieve honor roll. In the end, I don't give two cents about how tough life is for your 11 yr old body.  Go to school, do you work, and stay quiet! lol. I will say, since the phone has exited the building the 11 yr old has improved, and I actually have received some awesome compliments.

Control your Body, Control Your Voice, and Do Your Work. These are the rules the boys.. (SN: when I say "the boys" I mean Bran and Bray, thank babycakes for that one)  follow each day at school. I have enjoyed using this same terminology at home. Now Bray has mastered all but Control your Body. Catching a glimpse of him in the hallway doing a flip, slapping high fives to all of his friends in the PE line, and standing up while everyone else is sitting down listening to a story,  is all the proof I need. I do take comfort in knowing he is "really smart" and a "cutie" as everyone says about both of them, and I know he will get it eventually.

Babycakes seems to be really comfortable at his new school. So comfortable, he has become somewhat of a bully. We had our talks, and right now promising a "popafical" (his version of popsicle) is all the motivation he needs. That one time threat by his teachers of "calling dad" didn't hurt either. It's something about the boys not wanting to get in trouble with dad that amazes me. I can have the boys, and they are sitting right in front of me making threats to each other saying they are telling dad. I'm like huh what? what about telling mom? Does that mean anything?

We enjoyed a great holiday weekend in Cincy with family and friends. It was actually a mommy and me trip, since dad stayed behind. No I'm not crazy, I travel with my4brownsons alone all the time. As they get older it gets easier. I did bring some type of electronic device for every member of the family, so I could have some peace, however this only lasted as long as the battery. 

After a trying week, and a quick trip home, I can truly say I am so thankful for my life, my guys, and the strength GOD gives me daily to endure it all!